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A Child who is not praying to win

Posted by kangrofiq | 6/26/2009 10:55:00 AM | 0 comments »

A child who is not praying to win, but strong to face a defeat.
One day, there is a child who was at a race car racing toys. The atmosphere was truly glorious day, because this is the final phase. Only 4 children left now, and they exhibit any of the toy car. Overall home-made, indeed, that's the rules.
Have a child named Mark. The car is not special, but it is included in the 4 children who enter the final. Than all its opponents, Mark’s car is not the most perfect. Some children hang in the balance of power the car for race against other cars
In fact the car was not so interesting. With a simple wood and little lights flicker above, certainly not comparable with the luxurious decoration of the other car toys. However, Mark is proud of all that, because the car was made in their own hands.
It is time has expected, The final championship car racing toys. Each child began preparing the start line, to push their cars as faster as possible. In each lane track, the car was ready, with 4 "drivers". Track racing is circular with 4 separate channels between them.
However, shortly later, Mark asks for a moment before the race begins. He looks like mumble are praying. He close his eyes, with hands that offer up prayers. Then, a minute later, he said, "Yes, I am ready!"
Bang !. The sign has already started. With a strong drive, they began pushing the car tight. All that car even with the slide quickly. Everyone cheer, vibrant, make into a car each. "Come on ... come on ... quick ... quick, forward ... forward", so they yell. And the winner must be determined, ropes crossing finish has installed. And Mark is the winner. Yes, all the people happy, as well as Mark. He mumble again in the heart "Thank you."

When the Cup arrived. Mark advanced to the front with pride. Before the trophies awarded, the head of the committee said. "Certainly before you pray to God that you win, is not it?". Mark halt. "No, Sir, I do not pray like that" said Mark.
then he continue, "It seems not fair to ask the Lord to help you beat other people. I only beg the Lord, that I may not weep, if I lose". All the audience heard was speechless. After some time, hand-clap sound rousing meeting rooms.

Reflection :
Children seem to have more wisdom than all of us. Mark, did not beg God for the win in each test. Mark, do not apply to God for each set and yield results that he wanted to achieve. Children also do not ask the Lord fulfill all hopes. He did not pray to win, and hurt the other. However, Mark, beg the Lord, so that given the strength of all time. He prayed, so that given the glory, and would like to recognize the lack of pride.
Perhaps, have a lot of time we do pray for the Lord to fulfill our every request. Too often we ask God to make us number one, to the best, a winner in every test. Too often we pray to the Lord, to dispel any obstruction and have a trial in front of us. In fact, that we need is counseling and guidance of God.
We are often too weak to believe that we are strong. We often forget, and we often feel sloppy with life. Do not have the spirit of struggle that we want to skip? I believe, God gives us tests that weight, not to make us weak, sloppy and easy to give up. Surely, God will test everyone good.