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Best Gift

Posted by kangrofiq | 6/26/2009 03:40:00 PM | 0 comments »

The feast day, a father bought some gift paper roll. His Daughter who five years old, ask for a roll.
"What for ?" father ask.
"For a gift, I would like to give a present." Answered the daughter.
"Do not be wasted." He said, while providing a small roller.

Exactly on the feast day, early in the morning she has woke up and wakes her father up, "Father there is a gift you." Father who still lazy and not even open his eyes said, "come on, wait until I wake up later”. But the little did not give up "father wake up please it is almost day light." The father said "Ah, why did you wake me up early in this morning”?. He recognizes the gift paper that he gave her.
"What is gift for?", father asked.
"Gifts feast for my father. You may open it now, "she answered with excitement.
Father opened the parcel. In fact, only a blank box. Does not contain anything as well.
"Ah, Why you gave me only a blank box. You were only waste gift paper. Do you know that gift paper is expensive? " She said, "No father, it was not empty. I put so much smack for you earlier.
Compassionate father, he was lift her. He hug and kiss her.
"Honey, This is the best gift that I ever received. Father will always keep this box. I will take it to the office and when I need your osculation, I will take one. When It has running out will you may refill it again! "


The blank box that previously considered does not contain anything, do not have any value, suddenly filled have a very high value. What happened? Then, despite the box that has a very high value for the father, but for others still did not have any value. Others will still be considered the empty box. Empty for someone can be considered fully by others. Conversely, fully for someone can be considered empty by other people.

Empty and full - both of them is a product of the "mind" your own. As you look at life so your life. Life will be meaningful, because you give meaning to your own life. For those who do not provide meaning, life is like a blank sheet of paper