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A priceless gift

Posted by kangrofiq | 7/01/2009 05:55:00 AM | 0 comments »

A priceless gift for lovely people

The presence of people whom loved is an invaluable gift. Indeed, we can also present via mail, phone, fax, or image. However, with your attendance you can share feelings, attention, and affection in more intensive and intact. Thus, the quality of attendance is also important. Make your presence as a bearer of happiness.

2. Listen
Few people are able to give this gift, because, most people prefer to be listened, rather than listen. Have known that harmonious relationship between humans is very determined by the willingness to listen to each other. Give the gift for them. With lavish attention to all their words we also have the patience and humility. To be a good listener, make sure you are truly relax and understand what they have talked about. Look at their eyes and No need to interrupt, criticize, or even judge. Let them finish it. This allows you to give the appropriate response.

3. Silent
Such as words, there is also power in a silence. Silence can be used to punish, banish, or confusing people. But more than anything silence can also show the love we give to someone because we give them more space. Especially if everyday we are used to advise, manage, criticize and even complain.

Love someone is not give us full rights to own or manage their live. Can we claim to love someone if we are always restraint them? Giving freedom is one of the embodiment of love. It does not meaning, "You're free to do anything you want", It is More than that, It means give them full trust to be responsible for all the things what they do or what they decide.

5. Beauty
Who would not be happy, if the person that we loved be suddenly appear more beautiful? Appear to be more beautiful is also a gift. Besides the beauty of personal appearance, you also can give the beautiful atmosphere at home. For example Vase of beautiful fresh flowers in dining table, that is beautiful.

6. Positive response
We often give negative ratings to the thoughts, attitudes or actions of people we care about without we were realized. Seems there is no truth with them and absolute right only for us. This time, try to give positive response gift. Reveal a clear and genuine. Try to remember how many times in the last week to thank you for all the things they have done for you. Also remember, how many times in the last week you praised them. Those three things is thanks, praise and apology is a gift of love that is often forgotten

7. Yield Willingness
Not all issues worthy of a fracas. Moreover, to become a great quarrel. You should consider what a love relation will sacrificed only for the issue? If you think that way than you're ready to give a yield willingness gift. Okay, you may be annoyed or angry because he came late to meet as their promised. But if just happen for the first time, so why should triggered the fracas sustained? Yield Willingness can also release pain hearts and invites us to realize that there is not a perfect man in this world

8. Smile
Believe it or not, smile has incredible power. Smile, and is provided with a sincere, can be icebreaker for relationships, the encourager in desperate. bright murky atmosphere, even sedate the restless soul. Smile is also a hint to open oneself to the world around us. When is the last time you gave smile on other?