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The most suffering People in the world

Posted by kangrofiq | 6/23/2009 07:14:00 AM | 0 comments »

Yes, when I get problem again and I can not handle it directly makes me angry and disappointed, and I begin to feel"I am the People Most suffering in the World" .. he..he.. do not laugh .. because this is not only going on myself, but almost every person I met who complain are the problem, give symptoms like this .. "I am the People Most suffering in the World."
But… Is that true ??? You and me are Most suffering people in the World ?
Why can appear so thought, "I am the person suffering in the World?" It's because we are too focused to ourselves, we rarely consider the existence of other people, We are not sensitive and does not want to be a reality of life people in this world. When people in Palestine there is bomb, not a problem for us. But when we have a toothache, we will feel "I am the People Most suffering in the World" .. In fact only a toothache, we have felt great pain ..
Usually people who like to complain is the kind of people who self-absorbed, which is important itself, rarely would like to extend a hand to help other people, tend to cover themselves against other people and ignore spirituality ..
Especially if you are the type of people who like to yell parlormaid, while himself does not do anything .You will become a candidate, "I am the most suffering person in the World."
No one else who can help us.. except when we have self awareness to change.